Sunday, May 9, 2010


For your peace, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer
For your justice, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer
For your mercy, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer
For your joy, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

We thank you for gifts and privileges we do not deserve, but that you grant us out of your goodness and abundant love.
Help us to be generous with each other in the same grace you have shown us. We call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

We thank you for governments that protect, families that nurture, communities that bring us together, and your Church that announces the gospel of life in Jesus, the Christ.
Help us to strengthen these institutions through which you work, and sustain us when they fail us. We call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

We thank you for showing us your glory and majesty in the worlds you have made, for the earth-garden in which we take pleasure, and for our very being, body and soul, which bears your image.
Help us as stewards of your good works to be faithful in our work to return to you, with increase, your glory and our delight in you. We call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

Oh, God.
We confess we have sinned against you in deed, word and thought. We have fallen short in bringing you glory. We have hurt others and ourselves and have offended your righteousness.
Trusting the efficacy of the blood of your sacrificed Son, Jesus, we repent. For the sake of His wounds, we ask you to forgive and restore us. We call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

By nature, our souls are contaminated with pride, greed, ego and unlawful desire - unbridled and out of control. Our motives are false; our hearts are deceived and deceitful. We are without excuse or hope.
For the sake of the bruises in Jesus' own body, cleanse us in our deep parts and purge this unwholesomeness from us. Wash us and we shall be clean. We call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

Mighty God.
We suffer disease of the body and soul. We are vulnerable to attack, decay and death. When we want to be strong, we are reminded that we are dust. We suffer, and those we love and now name suffer...
Oh God, by the stripes laid on your beloved Son, we pray for healing. By the abuse he took, we pray for peace. For ourselves and for those we love, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

For your justice, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer
For your mercy, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer
For your joy, we call out to you.
Lord, hear our prayer

In thanksgiving for your gifts and mercies, we return our gifts to you for your work, that you may receive glory from us and in all nations now and forever.

In Jesus' Name we pray.

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